Messy Church is free and meets once a month (except August and December) on Saturday afternoons. We have a booking system in place through our Facebook group or by email. Scroll down to see what we do in Messy Church and dates for your diary!
Join our Messy Church Facebook Group,
and we will keep you in touch with all things Messy including when booking opens for our sessions!

Messy Church meeting dates to July 2025:
12 April (Easter)
17 May
21 June
19 July
Please book through our Facebook Group:
Alternatively you can email us at
These are our Messy Church dates up until July 2025. We very much hope that we can keep to them, but please be aware that some dates may have to change, depending on circumstances. Keep up to date by joining our Facebook Group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/southwickmessychurch
All sessions are on Saturdays and run from 3pm to 5.30pm.
What is Messy Church?
Messy Church is for families, there is no age limit and our activities can be enjoyed by the whole family.

First, we have a Celebration introducing the theme for the day – a Bible story, songs and prayer and then we head off to do craft activities relating to the theme. To end the afternoon we share a freshly prepared meal together!
We meet at Southwick Methodist Church on Saturday afternoons (generally once a month but subject to change) from 3pm to 5.30pm. Numbers are limited, so you will need to book; the easiest way to do this is via our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/southwickmessychurch
or you can email us at MessyChurch@southwickmethodistchurch.co.uk. We have a theme for each session and will have a selection of craft activities on offer and games or other Messy play.

Messy Church in Southwick

Messy Church is free but donations are welcome! Head over to our website to donate: https://southwickmethodistchurch.co.uk/wordpress/donate/