We provide opportunities for children and young people to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith. Over 40,000 children and young people get involved every week.
We are 1st Southwick Company The Boys Brigade
Our motto is:
‘Sure and Steadfast’

We are very pleased to be part of Southwick Methodist Church where we meet on Wednesdays in term time in three School Year groupings:
Anchor Section: Reception to Year 3 (6pm to 7.15pm)
Junior Section: Years 4 to 6 (6pm to 7.15pm)
Company Section: Years 7 to 12 (7.15pm to 9.30pm)
Contact Gary on 07745 299289 to find out more

We also parade on a number of Sundays to share in great All-Age worship with our Church Family.
The boys meet in a safe and welcoming setting in excellent premises to enjoy a fantastic nationally produced programme expertly geared to the ages of the boys. All leaders are DBS checked and appointed by our Church Council. Our aim is to help our members develop spiritually, physically and mentally; and to grow in their awareness of community life and the environment.
Activities include games and contests, craft and cooking, bible knowledge and drill, and much more – all mixed in with fun and friendship.
Anchor and Junior Sections
Additional activities include visits by people who serve our community and outings to fire and lifeboat stations. The Juniors also enter competitions with B.B. Companies locally and internationally, together with a residential holiday weekend.
Company Section
Additional activities include B.B. competitions; visitors, community life, fundraising and trips out. They learn leadership skills in the Anchor and Junior Sections; and can enjoy a summer camp under canvas with other B.B. Companies.
Other Opportunities
As part of our Church Family all Company members also receive a warm welcome to our Junior Church ministry on Sunday mornings starting at 10.30pm.
If you do not worship elsewhere, we will be delighted to welcome all family members to our regular church services and to the many other events in our busy church life.

The 1st Southwick Company is proud to be part of our Southwick Methodist Church and part of the Family of The Boys’Brigade which was founded in 1883 as the first ever uniformed organisation for boys. It now serves more than 500,000 young men and boys in over 60 countries world-wide helping them to prepare for the challenges of adult life.
We will be delighted to welcome new members, and further details can be obtained by telephoning Gary on 07745 299289 or by e-mail 1stsouthwickbb@gmail.com.
We look forward to hearing from you!