“Seek, Serve and Follow Christ”
The Girls’ Brigade is an International Christian Organisation for Girls from 4 to 18 years of age.

We do a variety of activities each week throughout the year including craft activities such as stained glass, colouring in, sawing. Sometimes we do cooking and baking, games, quizzes, making a calendar, stories, camps, sleepovers, competitions, devotions and many other activities.
We tend to be fully inclusive for girls with sen or other special needs like for example vision impairment or other invisible special needs. We do need full information about your child beforehand please in order to be able to support your daughter.
Lent 2024 Activities

Key Dates 2024
Valentines day 14th of February
Mothers day 10th of March
Easter (31st of March, 1st of April)
Fathers day 16th of June
Remembrance Day 10th of November
Christmas 24,25,26th of December.
Hi Girls!

Night of Hope Night Stall at Christmas Fete
Meet Up Days and Time 3rd Southwick GB
We meet every Tuesday evening during term time in the church hall.
- Explorers (Reception,YR1, YR2)
- Juniors (YR3,YR4,YR5,YR6)
Explorers and Juniors Meet: Tuesdays 6pm- 7.30pm (Children are welcome at 5.45).
- Seniors (YR7,YR8,YR9)
- Brigaders and Young Leaders (YR10,YR11 up to 18)
Seniors Brigaders and Young Leaders Meet: Tuesdays 6pm- 7.30pm
Crafts Night of Hope Night! Kayaking Stall at Christmas Fete Crafts Awards Face Masks Picnic and team outing
Juniors usually meet separately from the seniors and the ages up but sometimes there are shared evenings where all the girls come together.
Yvonne Yates is the Captain of the group.
Qualified and DBS checked leaders are: Sarah, Julie, Joanna, Debby, Anne, Georgie, Lisa, Tyra and Freya.
Leaders never work alone or separately with the girls. A minimum of two leaders per group is required at all times. Usually there are at least 3 or 4 leaders available for the Junior group. This means that there is a high ratio for extra support if and when needed.
Please feel free to make enquiries.
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