The loose cables have been tidied up and I have moved the CD player to the lower shelf so that it is accessible. Unfortunately it is not connected because there is not enough depth on the shelf for it to remain safe when the plugs have been inserted in its back. (It was “safely” installed on the top shelf by being laid on top of the loop amplifier and sloped backwards).
I am sure you agree that this is not satisfactory and moving the CD player back to the top shelf is not an option with keeping the requirement of being able to operate the equipment from the floor. We need to know your needs before sorting it out. A number of options are listed in the form below and maybe you have others.
The option to make the shelf deeper means that the shelf would have to be removed to open the cupboard door.
If you want to see the specifications of the suggested DVD player go to LG DP542H
If the groups or activities which you represent have no interest in using media playing equipment that we can provide to play CDs, DVDs or audio/video files on a USB stick such as photos or video clips, just add your name to the form below and press “SEND”. This indicates a preference to dispose of the existing CD player without replacement.
If you use the existing CD player or want further media playing features it is VERY IMPORTANT that you respond now. Please fill in the form below by setting ticks on the lines that apply to you, add suggestions if any and press “SEND”. Your response is sent to me on email for analysis, reporting and action. If you prefer, add comments to this post or the The DVD Player post.
Peter Dixon
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